Grant Guidelines

General Requirements

Grant requests must be in the fields of mental health or chemical dependency, focused on one or more of the following:


The Foundation will consider only requests for specific projects rather than for general operating support.

The Foundation will not fund construction projects, purchase of capital equipment, or feasibility studies.

Sustainability of projects and measurement of outcome are expected.

Only one grant will be provided to an organization in a 12 month period.

Applicants seeking funding for multi-year project
must re-apply each year.


The Foundation's grant-making will be limited to the following Northeast Ohio counties: Ashtabula, Cuyahoga,
Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Mahoning, Medina, Portage, Summit and Trumbull.


Grants are awarded only to tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations. No grants are awarded directly to individuals.

Suggestions to Grant Applicants:

    1) Make sure your grant application is not an exact copy of previous grant requests. Be sure to check your dates for accuracy.

    2) Fall Cycle grant applications (due by September 30th) will be reviewed in October, November, and December, with final notification (approval) in February of the following year. Checks (1/2 of approved amount) will be mailed to the agencies by the end of February/beginning of March (of the following year). You may want to make your timeline for your grant request coincide with when you will receive the money. All awarded funds must be spent within one year after approval by the Ridgecliff Foundation.

    3) Spring Cycle grant applications (due by March 31st) will be reviewed in April, May and June, with final notification (approval) in August. Checks (1/2 of approved amount) will be mailed to the agencies by the end of August/beginning of September. You may want to make your timeline for your grant request coincide with when you will receive the money. All awarded funds must be spent within one year after approval by the Ridgecliff Foundation.

    4) Clearly state your timeline for your project to be completed (exact dates are helpful).

    5) If services are reimbursable by Medicaid and you are not billing Medicaid for these services, be sure to state why you are not billing for these services.

    6) Make sure your project meets Ridgecliff’s Mission Statement.

    7) Upload current financial documents. An audited financial statement is preferred (most recent). If one is not available, upload a current 990. These financials are crucial for review of a grant request. If they are missing or vastly outdated, your grant application may not be approved.

    8) Identify clear and measurable goals and outcomes. State how you will measure your goals/outcomes. If you are using standardized measures (evidence based) please state this in your application and name the tool you are using. When you write your interim and final reports, please reference the outcomes you said you would measure and how well you met the goals you set for your project (and why or why not you achieved them).

    9) Ridgecliff Foundation does not fund research projects.

    10) If a Final Report is not received by the assigned deadline, the agency will have a one year sanction on applying for funding.



Copyright (C)2011 Ridgecliff Foundation.